2023 Spiritual Care Services Forum

Join us at E Block, Gold Coast University Hospital, as Gold Coast Health Spiritual Care Services hosts an enlightening forum during Spiritual Care Services Week 2023 (October 22-28, 2023). Our diverse panel of Spiritual Care Practitioners will delve into healthcare spiritual care practices under the theme "It's Healthy to Get Help." Notably, Pastor Shane will explore suicide, religious trauma, and queer theology after morning tea.

Event Details:
Date: Wednesday, 18th October 2023
Location: E Block, Gold Coast University Hospital
Theme: "It's Healthy to Get Help"

Agenda Highlights:
Diverse Spiritual Care Practitioners
Pastor Shane on Suicide, Religious Trauma, and Queer Theology
Morning Tea Discussion
RSVP by: Monday, October 16, 2023

Don't miss this opportunity to engage with the keynote speakers during Spiritual Care Services Week 2023. Join us for a transformative discussion on healthcare spiritual care practices, contact the office for more information.

2023 Spiritual Care Services Forum2023 Spiritual Care Services Forum Reviewed by Shane St Reynolds on October 17, 2023 Rating: 5

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