About Shane St Reynolds

Hey friends! I'm an Aussie at heart, currently residing and working on Wurundjeri Country. I serve as the editor at TheGoodNewsBlog.org. My vision is to see a world where every person is acknowledged and celebrated, and where the church fully embraces Jesus' radical Christianity.

Through this website, tens of thousands of people connect each month via its resources to experience the Good News proclaimed by the gospel—welcoming people for the first time, healing those hurt by the church, and enriching the faith of individuals while empowering leaders. My goal is for this service to become a reliable, dependable, and uniting presence in the Australian community and beyond, offering encouragement and support to individuals in their Christian faith. Access to this blog and its resources are freely available to everyone.

I align closely with the protestant traditions of the Church of England and the Anglican Church, cherishing their rich heritage while remaining open to exploring new perspectives and insights. I also hold a deep respect for organizations like the Metropolitan Community Church (In 2023 obtained licensure from this denomination) and Uniting Church in Australia. I consider myself ecumenical and embrace a progressive or radical liberal/orthodox perspective. My approach emphasises inclusivity regarding gender, sexuality, and sovereignty, which are integral to my values and beliefs. However, I often find myself in a kind of exile due to the traditional churches' positions on many issues, yet I remain somewhere within the mystery of Christ.

In my books, I cover a range of topics from Christian theology to financial literacy. I've also pursued further education at Oxford, focusing on Christian leadership. Through my writing, I hope to share stories and experiences that resonate with anyone on a similar journey of faith and self-discovery. 

Founder of the Blessed Order of Saint Sebastian of (Queer Folk), my interests also involve exploring the intersection of AI and Christianity, I am an associate member of ISCAST. I am also affiliated with Equal Voices Limited,  A Progressive Christian Voice (Australia) and member of LGBTI Legal Service Inc.

To learn more my journey you can watch my testimony or reach out to me here. I look forward to connecting with you.

May God bless you abundantly.

Shane St Reynolds.
About Shane St ReynoldsAbout Shane St Reynolds Reviewed by Shane St Reynolds on April 15, 2024 Rating: 5