Join Us for a Special Documentary Screening: "Call Me Troy"

Are you ready for an inspiring and enlightening experience? The Universal Church Of Love, in partnership with the Queensland Council for LGBTI Health, invites you to a powerful documentary screening event: "Call Me Troy" date: Sat 30th Sep 2023, 10:30 am - 2:15 pm.

About the Documentary:

"Call Me Troy" delves into the life and legacy of Rev. Troy Perry, a trailblazing figure in the LGBTQ+ community. As the founder of the Metropolitan Community Church, Rev. Perry created the first church that catered to the spiritual needs of the gay community. Join us to witness his incredible journey, which includes being the first openly gay person on the Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations and performing the first public same-sex wedding in the U.S.

Event Highlights:

Documentary Screening: Immerse yourself in Rev. Perry's groundbreaking story as we watch "Call Me Troy" at Dendy Cinemas Southport.

Discussion and Feedback Session: After the screening, we'll head to Southport Uniting Church for a meaningful conversation about the documentary's impact and relevance.

Contribute to the LGBTI+ Strategy: Your insights will be integrated into the Queensland Council for LGBTI Health's report, shaping the future of LGBTQ+ advocacy on the Gold Coast.

Event Schedule:

10:30 AM: Doors open at Dendy Cinemas

11:00 AM - 12:40 PM: Screening of "Call Me Troy" documentary

1:00 PM: Tram departs to Southport Uniting Church

1:15 PM - 2:00 PM: Coffee, discussion, and feedback session

2:15 PM: Return tram transportation to Dendy Cinemas

Limited Tickets: This event is free, but with limited availability due to space constraints. Only 44 free tickets are available, so be sure to secure yours now.

How to Attend:

Reserve Your Spot: Get your free tickets before they're gone! Click here to book on Humantix

Engage in Discussion: Share your thoughts and insights during the discussion session.

Contribute to Change: Help shape the future of LGBTQ+ advocacy on the Gold Coast.

Contact Information:

For inquiries and ticket information, please contact Shane St Reynolds:

Let's come together to celebrate Rev. Troy Perry's legacy, engage in meaningful dialogue, and pave the way for a more inclusive future. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a transformative event that unites education, inspiration, and community. See you there!

A Conversation Starter in partnership with the Queensland Council for LGBTI Health

We are honoured to collaborate with QC in creating an event that not only celebrates Rev. Perry's legacy but also contributes to important discussions surrounding LGBTIQ+ issues for our communities in Queensland.

It is important to us and QC, that we frame discussions around the many amazing strengths that our communities bring to the broader conversations about our future, and what better way for us to start.

Join Us for a Special Documentary Screening: "Call Me Troy"Join Us for a Special Documentary Screening: "Call Me Troy" Reviewed by Shane St Reynolds on September 05, 2023 Rating: 5

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