Exploring Julian of Norwich: Embracing "Mother Jesus" and Welcoming New Friends

Julian of Norwich 2022 by Tobias Haller

Hello, fellow seekers of spiritual insight and progressive theology! Tonight, we welcome you to join us on a reflective exploration into the life and teachings of Julian of Norwich, an extraordinary medieval mystic whose reverence for "Mother Jesus" remains a source of inspiration through the ages. Our friends at Qspirit.net recently shared a piece titled "Julian of Norwich: Celebrating Mother Jesus" by Kittredge Cherry, delving into LGBTQ spirituality and the journeys of saints. Let's come together to honor Julian of Norwich and embrace the essence of "Mother Jesus."

Julian's life was enriched by meaningful relationships, particularly with women. She shared her hermit's cell with companions named Alice and Sarah, forging deep bonds that transcended societal norms. These partnerships, often described as "servants," likely represented profound same-sex connections, hidden beneath societal constraints of the time.

Rev. Kittredge Cherry is a lesbian Christian author, minister, and art historian who offers gay-friendly spiritual resources at JesusInLove.org. She blogs at the Jesus In Love Blog and edits the Jesus in Love Newsletter on queer spirituality and the arts. Ordained by Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC), Kitt was at the forefront of the homosexuality debates at the National Council of Churches (USA) and the World Council of Churches as MCC’s National Ecumenical Officer. We are thrilled to continue our friendship with Kitt and look forward to more of her inspiring work.

Expanding Our Reach with UCforum
We are also excited to announce that we have accepted an invitation to collaborate with UCforum in promoting Progressive Christianity. UCforum now features a link in our dropdown menu under Christianity, and their RSS feed is dailyed on our website homepage, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas and progressive insights. Networking is a powerful tool in the modern era, providing our subscribers with a broader audience and expanding possibilities for meaningful dialogue and exploration.  In the spirit of friendship and collaboration, we thank UCforum for linking our website to theirs, symbolizing our shared commitment to advancing progressive Christian values. "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up." — Ecclesiastes 4:9-10.

New domain name thegoodnewsblog.org
In other news, we have recently registered a new domain name, thegoodnewsblog.org, which will soon serve as our primary domain to support the expansion of our website and reach a global audience. We hope that this domain will allow us to connect internationally with new friends. May God bless every visitor and profoundly touch their hearts.

Exploring Julian of Norwich: Embracing "Mother Jesus" and Welcoming New FriendsExploring Julian of Norwich: Embracing "Mother Jesus" and Welcoming New Friends Reviewed by Shane St Reynolds on May 08, 2024 Rating: 5

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