In Obedience, Here I Stand

Set against the backdrop of spiritual longing and fervent supplication, this poem encapsulates a heartfelt plea to the divine for guidance and renewal. Join me as we uncover the secrets of my heart through the verses of this lament.

In Obedience, Here I Stand by Shane St Reynolds

In obedience, I've wandered, followed the breeze,
Wherever it leads, there's where I'll be seized.
My heart, once tied to hometown's embrace,
Now yearns for a new land, a different space.
Oh, Lord, rescue me from familiar ground,
Guide me where the honeyed streams abound.
My sole desire: to follow Your divine nod,
Stripped of pride, my lips singing of God.
Though snares are set, my faith stands strong,
Like Isaiah, from my country, take me along.
They hear but grasp not, the truths I impart,
Rescue me from the precipice, safeguard my heart.
Brothers and sisters, yet estranged we seem,
Despite shared bread, our bonds grow thin, it seems.
Let me, O Lord, serve You with zeal,
Fill my soul with the desire to kneel.
Replace my tears with Your boundless joy,
Through trials and tribulations, my praise won't cloy.
From depths of despair, You lifted me high,
Forever, Your name, I'll magnify.
Transformed by Your grace, a flash in the night,
Your mercy, Your love, restored my sight.
To You, my Father, my spirit bends the knee,
Here I am, send me, forever to serve Thee.

In Obedience, Here I StandIn Obedience, Here I Stand Reviewed by Shane St Reynolds on May 25, 2024 Rating: 5

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